Using OpenStreetMap India map data
OpenStreetMap data is available for free download and use per Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL) . Various
data download and export formats based on user needs. Check the wiki for more details.
For a map in Indic languages, check the Indic OpenStreetMap
demo and the wiki for
more resources for local language maps
Download free India map data
Query the live map data for specific objects using Overpass API. Updated minutely. `.geojson` `.csv`
`.gpx` `google earth .kml`
Request custom data extracts from Humanitarian OpenStreetMap
Team (HOTOSM) . Updated 2-3 days. `geopackage .gpkg` `shapefiles .shp` `garmin .img` `google earth
.kml` `.mbtiles` ` .mwm` `osmand .obf`
India OSM data extract from .
Updated daily. `osm pbf` `shapefiles`
Raw OSM data from .
Limited area. Updated minutely. `osm xml`
Administrative boundaries clipped to land area from OSM
Boundaries . Updated monthly. `.geojson`
Snapshot of full India outline as per Survey of India from Datameet Maps . Limited
area. Not updated. `.geojson`